Is Easy To Use
You will have fewer headaches and take less time to learn how to use it.
With just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes you can:
- enter donor names/addresses
- enter donations or pledges by donor name or church envelope number
Saves You Time
With Donarius® you
will keep track of donors, their donations and their pledges in no time.
- enter a donation in just a few seconds per donor
(average of 4.6 to 6.9 seconds)
- find any donor quickly by first name, surname, donor number, church envelope
number, street, postal/zip code, phone number or tax receipt number
Prints Tax Receipts
- print tax receipts for one or all donors
- use standard letter size paper (8½" x 11") or pre-printed forms
- has several styles of tax receipts to choose from
- design your own tax receipts
- free setup of one customized receipt - just
email us a sample
Helps You Understand
Your Donors
donations and pledges in a variety of ways to better understand your donors:
- view
donations and/or pledges for a date range, grouped by day, week, month, quarter or
- view
donations and/or pledges for one donor or the total for all donors
- compare
donations and/or pledges for all donors
- display
a graph of the number of donors per donation range.
For example:
Keeps Information Confidential
A password must be given when the software is started. There are
two passwords: one gives full access and the
other a restricted access for tellers to enter donations
and pledges. This means others can help you do some
of the work, so you have more time.
Easy Data Transfer
Easy to transfer data from your current Church Management Software.
Just export donors and donations to delimited text files,
then import into Donarius®.
(If you have any problems we will transfer your data at no
extra charge.)
Keep Members Informed About Your Church or Ministry
Sends personalized letters and emails to the donors that have the
characteristics you have chosen.
Encourages people to give
and/or fulfill their pledges
Encourage giving by sending out:
- letters to people who have not given recently
- quarterly statements with details about pledges
- reminder letters to those who are falling short on
their pledge
- thank you letters to those who have fulfilled their
Helps your members stay
in touch with each other
Prints a church directory with customized headings. You
select which member phone numbers and/or email addresses to
include on it. To keep
in touch with missionaries, put them in a separate section.