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Repairing Donor Numbers

Donarius® uses donor numbers consisting of the first three letters of the donor's surname followed by a number.  For example if three donors have the surname MacDonald they would have numbers: MAC 1, MAC 2 and MAC 3. For surnames such as van Fleet or de Grassi this works a bit differently.  If you enter a name as George van Fleet the donor# will be FLE 1 and the name will appear with other names starting with F.  If you want that name to have a donor# of VAN 1 and be with other names starting with V then enter it with an uppercase V, like this: George Van Fleet.

Donarius® automatically creates the donor number for each new donor. You are not able to change that number because all the other data files use the donor number to link back to the donor.  This means that if someone changes their name (or a name was mispelled) you cannot change the donor number in the Donor Info window.

Instead you need to do this:

1. Change any donor's names that need to be changed. Names should be entered in either of the following ways: first name then the surname or surname, comma then the first name. (For a company/charity enter their name in the Name box)

2. Change the donor type of any organizations to be something other than a person.

3. On the main window, click on the Donors icon and choose Repair Donor#'s

4. Answer the questions.  You will be asked if you want to do a backup.  It is a good idea to do a backup before repairing the donor numbers, so click Backup data files.

5. You will be asked whether to sort donors by their surname.  This will determine whether reports sorted by donor number are in the same order as reports sorted by surname.  You should click Yes.

6. Donarius® will pick new donor numbers and you will be told when it is done.

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