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Commands for dates, page#, receipt# and PDF file names:
Include a date field by typing one of the following names in curly braces { } (in upper or lower case). For example {today} shows today's date.
Field Name: Description:
words FORMAT NUM Show a number or money in words. FORMAT can be one of the following: U for uppercase, L for lowercase or U1 to have the first letter uppercase. For example, if a donor gave $145.32 then {words U1 {total}} will show:
One Hundred and Forty-Five___32/100
today Today's date
fromdate The start of the date range
todate The end of the date range
numyears The number of years in the date range
date The date of a donation if there is only one. If there are several donations in the date range it will show the date of the last one.
<date> dmy All the above four date commands can have the date shown in a different format: day, month and year with no blanks. For example, if the to date is Dec 31, 2017 then {todate dmy} will show 31Dec2017.
<date> md All the above four date commands can have the date shown in a different format: month followed by the day without the year. For example, if the to date is Dec 31, 2017 then {todate md} will show Dec 31.
<date> mmddyyyy All the above date commands can have the date shown as MM/DD/YYYY. For example, May 24, 2018 will become 05/24/2018.
<date> ddmmyyyy All the above date commands can have the date shown as DD/MM/YYYY. For example, May 24, 2018 will become 24/05/2018.
<date> yyyymmdd All the above date commands can have the date shown as YYYYMMDD. For example, May 24, 2018 will become 20180524.
<date> m Show the abbreviated name of the month. For example, if the date is January 20, 2016 it will show Jan.
<date> mm Show the full name of the month. For example, if the date is January 20, 2019 it will show January.
<date> yyyy Show only the year of the date. For example, June 2, 2018 will become 2018.
<date> wmdy Show the day of the week, followed by the month, day and year of the date.
For example, Sun Jan. 3, 2019.
<date> wdmy Show the day of the week, followed by the day, month and year of the date.
For example, Sun 3 Jan. 2019
<date> m-d-y Show the date as month day, comma then the year. For example, Dec 31, 2021.
<date> d-mm-y Show the date as day month then the year, using the full name of the month. For example, 30 November 2020.
<date> mm-d-y Show the date as month day, comma then the year using the full name of the month. For example, December 31, 2020.
<date> d-m-y Show the date as day month then the year. For example, 30 Nov 2019.
<date> <diff>Q All the above date commands can go ahead or back the given number of quarters. For example, if the to date is June 30, 2018 then {todate -1Q} will return Apr 1, 2018. This is used to give you the start of the last quarter in a date range. When the from date is Apr 1, 2018 then {fromdate +1Q} will return June 30, 2018. This is used to give you the end of the first quarter in a date range.
dformat FFF Set the format of dates if you want them to be different from the setting in the Control Panel. Two formats are available: {dformat dmy} show dates as 10 Jan 2019 {dformat mdy} shows dates as Jan 10, 2019.
month The month of the end of the date range.
year The year of the end of the date range.
nextanniversary YFORMAT DATE The next anniversary of a given date. (It can also be abbreviated as NEXTA.) The YFORMAT indicates how to show the year. The examples below show how this works: Suppose today is Nov 2/2019 and DATE is Dec 21, 2018 then {nexta number DATE} shows Dec 21/2019. {nexta word DATE} shows Dec 21 this year. If DATE is Jan 15, 2019: {nexta word DATE} shows Jan 15 next year. To show the date in a specific format, put the keyword in the DATE script or by using the {dformat} command.
available TYPE How much height is available vertically (TYPE=H) from the current cursor position to the bottom of the page (or to a footer). Or how much width horizontally (TYPE=H) there is from the current cursor positon to the right hand side of the page. e.g. {if {available h}<0.5}{newpage}{/if} will check how much vertical space there is to the bottom of the page. If <0.5" go to the next page. When TYPE=L it returns how many lines are available to bottom of the page.
newpage or nextpage Stop printing on this page and start a new page.
page # The page number of the report for this donor.
page T The total number of pages in a report for a donor. For example if a donor has a 3 page report and you want to have Pg 1 of 3 appear on the first page of your letter or report you would enter: Pg {page #} of {page T}
page #B The page number being printed in the batch/set. If you are printing 25 letters for 25 donors when you print the third letter this will be 3.
page TB The total number of pages in the batch/set. In the above example this would be 25.
receipt# FORMAT Shows the receipt #. You have the option of formatting the digits in a different way. For example, {receipt#} will show the receipt # as a number but {receipt# "#### - ###"} will break up the digits in the receipt# with a dash between the 4th and 5th digits, such as 2010 - 239. You can also show a receipt number on a letter to show a receipt for non-receiptable amounts. The receipt # will continue from the number you used for official donation receipts.
replaces FORMAT When you are issuing a replacement receipt, this will show the message This cancels and replaces receipt # _____ and the previous receipt number will be shown. For a first time receipt nothing will be shown.
ispdf or makepdf Is a PDF being created? This can be used to show a signature only on a PDF, but when being printed you want it to be blank so someone can sign it.
e.g. {if {makepdf}}{image signature.jpg h=0.4}{/if}
pdfname ITEMS When doing letters and you want to create a PDF of each, you can change the name of each PDF from the default. The ITEMS list will combine the items to create a file name. (Don't add .pdf at the end - it is added automatically.) Here are some examples:
Let's say you want each PDF named:
where the nnnn is the envelope #. You would then use this command:
{pdfname "Statement-" {donors:env#}}
If you want each PDF named:
where aaaaaa is the donor# and yyyymmdd is the 'to' date of the report then use this command:
{pdfname "Report-" {donors:donor#} "-" {todate yyyymmdd}}
Your list of items needs to include something unique to each donor so that each PDF has a different name.
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