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Entering donations to fulfill pledges

A pledge is when a donor promises to give a certain amount over a certain period of time.  When someone donates to fulfill a pledge, you enter it as a donation and put the amount in the same category that was pledged to. Donarius® will assume that all donations received in that category go to fulfill the pledge.

Some pledges that are fulfilled in a consistent manner can be automatically entered.  When entering donations Donarius® will try to determine whether a donor would likely give on that date. It will assume that when someone pledges weekly, they will give the same amount each week.  For those that have pledged to give once per month, it assumes they will give during the first week of the month.  For all others it does not pre-fill any amounts.

When a pledge will probably be given, you will see a checkbox that says: Pre-fill amount pledged (once).  Putting a checkmark there will fill in each category that the person pledged to.  When you go to another donor, the box will become unchecked.  If you want to prefill more donors, click the box again and it will say Pre-fill amount pledged with the (once) removed.  Then when you go to another donor the checkbox will remain on and the pledge will be filled in for them.  If that person did not give you can remove the amount pre-filled by unchecking the checkbox.  When you are editing donations the pre-fill checkbox will be disabled.

When a person misses a donation and has pledged to give to a few categories you may not know how to split the amount given among the categories. Just enter the total given in any category box, then click on the button that says: Split amount pledged. For example, suppose a person has pledged to give weekly: $20 to General and $10 to Building.  They miss a week and the next week give $60. So you type $60 in General, click the Split amount pledged button and it will change to $40 in General and $20 in Building. This button only appears when a donor has pledged to more than one category.

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