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Arithmetic Operations:
You can do any of the standard arithmetic operations on values (add, subtract, multiply and divide) (Some of these also work on characters.)
Here are some examples:
{{year} + 1} Add 1 to the year
{{year} - 1} Subtract 1 from the year
{{month} + 1} The name of the next month. Eg: if today is Aug then it will show Sept.
{{total} / 52} Divide the total given by 52 to get the average per week. (This assumes that the date range is the entire year.)
{{total} * 1.10} Multiply the total given by 1.10 to add 10% and so estimate how much a donor might give next year. (This assumes that the date range is the entire year.)
{"Sent:" + {today}} Add today's date after the message Sent: (Used to concatenate strings in the {append} command.)
{{donors:memberexpiry} + 1D} The day after the member expiry date.
{{donors:memberexpiry} + 2M} Two months after the member expiry date.
{{donors:memberexpiry} - 1Y} One year before the member expiry date.
{length file:field} The length of the text in the field of this file. For example, {length donors:charac} returns how many characteristics are checked for the donor.
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