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Graphics commands on custom reports:

These commands add graphics to your report:

{­image FILE FACTOR}  Put a graphics file here and make the size FACTOR times bigger. The file must be a bitmap or JPEG file. For example: {­image C:\Pictures\signature.bmp 0.5} makes the image half the size. {­image C:\Donarius\Logo.jpg 2.0} makes the image twice the size.  If the file name has blanks you need to enclose it in double quotes. eg: {­image "C:\My Documents\Logo.bmp" 1.5} You can also include a image of the donor, like this:
 {­image {donors:person_image} 0.5}  FACTOR can also be the desired height of the image by having h=height.  For example to show the donor's family at a height of 2.0" use this: {­image {donors:family_image} h=2.0}

{­dashes}  Put a line of dashes to divide the page into sections.

{­dashes CHARACTERS LENGTH}  Use a different set of characters to divide the page into sections and make them this length. eg: {­dashes "* " 6.5} will have asterisks with a space between each and it will be 6.5" wide.
 If a {dashes} command is inside an {align right...} command the dashes will be the length necessary to go from the current position to the right margin.  For example, in the command below:
 Total {align right 0 3.0}{dashes "_"}{/align}
 the line made of underscores, after the word "Total" will extend until it is 3.0" from the right hand side of the page.

{checkbox SIZE} Show a checkbox at this position and size.  The size is a percentage of the line height (a number from 10 to 100). e.g. {checkbox 60} will show a checkbox that is 60% of the line height. If the size is missing the box will be 75% of the line height.

{­box THICKNESS SPACING COLOR BGCOLOR}<text/graphics>{­/box}  Put a box around some text and/or graphics.
 THICKNESS indicates how thick the box edges are in hundreths of an inch.  If you leave it out the box will be 0.02" (about 2 pixels) thick.

 SPACING indicates how much space to have between the border of the box and the text within it. If the spacing is not given it will be 3 times the thickness. The spacing can be a single number or two numbers separated by & without any spaces. For example, {box 1 15&5} will have space of 0.15" on the left and right sides and 0.05" at the top and bottom sides.

 COLOR indicates the color of the line of the box. BGCOLOR indicates the color of the inside of the box. You can use any of these standard colors: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white, grey, gray, silver (light grey), black, brown, acqua, orange, purple, lime, pink or light-green.  To make a different color enter: COLOR=R G B where R, G and B are the red, green and blue parts of the color. eg: color=255 30 95 (Each color should be a number from 0 to 255.) When you leave out the color, the box will be in black. For example, {­box 3 red}Thank You!{­/box} will enclose the words Thank You! with a red box that is .03" (about 3 pixels) thick.

{­grid THICKNESS SPACING COLOR BGCOLOR}<text/graphics>{­/grid}  Make a grid of lines which will put each item of text/graphics in a separate box. For example: {­grid}{­details total}{­/grid} will show a chart of the total given each day with lines to divide each row and column.  BGCOLOR indicates the color of the inside certain elements in the grid. You specify the background color followed by b=r1,c1,r2,c2... which indicates which row and column should have that color. e.g. for a grid with only one column to have a grey background on the first row you would add: grey b=1,1  If the grid had one column but 4 rows and you want the first and fourth row to be a light grey you would add: silver b=1,1,4,1

{­grid THICKNESS SPACING COLOR BGCOLOR r=<# rows>:h1;h2;... c=<# cols>:w1;w2;...}<text/graphics>{­/grid}  Make a grid like above but indicate how many rows and columns there are and the relative height and width of each. For example:
 {­grid r=3 c=2} Text... {­/grid}
 will make a grid of 3 rows and 2 columns evenly spaced to enclose the text . If you change it to:
 {­grid r=3:1;1;3 c=2:1;2} Text... {­/grid}
 then the last row will be 3 times higher than the first row and the second column will be twice as wide as the first column.

 If the r or c is changed to uppercase (i.e. R or C) then the sizes are in inches rather than relative to each other.  This enables you to make a grid without any text in it.  In example below, the first two rows are 0.5" high and the third is 1.5".  The first column is 1.5" wide and the second 3.0".
 {­grid R=3:0.5;0.5;1.5 C=2:1.5;3.0} Text... {­/grid}

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