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Conditional commands on custom reports:

Your report can be setup to include certain items only under certain conditions.

Here are several conditions you can test for:

{­if CONDITION}xxx{­/if} Show xxx if the CONDITION is true. For example: the following command includes the organization's country if it is different from the donor's country:
 {­if {­org_info:land}!={­donors:land}} {­org_info:land}{­/if}

{­if CONDITION}xxx{­else}yyy{­/if} Show xxx if the CONDITION is true and yyy if it is false.

{­if CONDITION1}text1{­else if CONDITION2}text2{­else if CONDITION3}text3...{­/if} Check a set of conditions until one is found to be true and show the text.

The CONDITION in an if statement checks:
a) whether an item has any text
b) whether a date field in a file is a given time in the past or earlier.  The format is ago FILE:FIELD NUMBER m to see if the date is that many months ago or ago FILE:FIELD NUMBER d to see if the date is that many days ago.  For example: to see if a donor was added 6 months ago or earlier use: {­if ago donors:since 6m}
c) whether something about a donor is true.  For example, this:
 {­if is early}Some donations were before the pledge start date{­/if}
 will print a message if the donor donated before the pledge start date.
d) compares two items.  Each item is either a file field name, a calculated field, a number or some text or a date enclosed in double quotes. Between each item is a comparison operator.  The possible operators are:

Operator:  Description:

=  Are the two items equal?
!=  Are the two items different?
>  Is the first item greater than the second one?
<  Is the first item less than the second one?
>=  Is the first item greater than or equal to the second one?
<=  Is the first item less than or equal to the second one?
>>  Does the first item contain the second one?
!>>  Does the first item not contain the second one?

Here are some examples:

{­if {­donors:land}!={­org_info:land}}  Is donor's country different from the organization's country?

{­if {­donors:memo}!=""} Is there a "Receipt Memo" for this donor?

{­if {­donors:memo}}  You can also check if there is any text by leaving out the operator and second item.

{­if {­donors:rcptyp}="D"}  Does this donor get one receipt per donation?

{­if {­donors:rcptyp}=" "}  Does this donor get yearly receipts?

{­if {­total}>25.00} Is the total on the receipt more than $25.00?

{­if {­donors:lastdn}>>"?"} This checks whether a donor ever made a donation.  (If any date has a ? then there is no date.)

{­if {­donors:lastdn}>="Jan 1, 2010"} By comparing the date of the last donation to Jan 1, 2010 you can find out if the donor made a donation in the year 2010 or later?

{­if {­donors:birth}>today} Is the donor's birthday coming up in the future?

{­if {­donors:birth}<today} Did we miss the donor's birthday?

{­if {­paidby}>>"Check"} Does the method of payment contain the word "Check" which means it has a check number?

{­if {­donors:status}="B"} Is this donor a business? (Assumes the business donor type has the abbreviation B).

{­if {­donors:charac}>>"C"} Does this donor have the characteristic with the abbreviation C?

{­if {­donors:charac}!>>"H"} Does this donor not have the characteristic with the abbreviation H?

{­if {­fulfill}} To fulfill your pledge, please give {­fulfill}{­/if} Show a message about how much is needed to fulfill a pledge only if the donor is falling short.

{if {available h}<0.5}{newpage}{/if} Check how much vertical space there is to the bottom of the page. If <0.5" go to the next page.

You can also display a message to a user if some fields have a specific value.  {msg <text>} will display a message.  For example:

{­if {­donors:lastdn}>>"?"}{msg This donor did not donate}{/if} Display a message if this donor had no donations.

Messages would be shown for all donors with the condition you are checking for.  To show a message only once use:
{msg 1 <text>}

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