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Things to keep in mind for Canadian charities
Canadian churches and charities should be aware of the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) requirements regarding tax recepts.
Each donor must have a complete address to receive a tax receipt. If the address is incomplete the software will not print a tax receipt and will show you a list of donors who do not have an address. You should inform your donors that to get a tax receipt they must supply their full address.
Each tax receipt you issue needs to have a unique receipt #. Donarius® will automatically generate receipt numbers in sequence with no gaps. Each year the software will use the next receipt # after the last number used in the previous year. To avoid you accidentally changing the receipt # sequence, the software will allow you to set what receipt # to start at when you do your first set of tax receipts. After that you will not be able to change the receipt # to use in the following years, but it will automatically be incremented for each tax receipt.
Each charity is required to fill out a T3010 - Registered Charity Information Return. One of the lines on the return is the total amount receipted. This must be completed 6 months after the end of the calendar year (most charities have a fiscal year end of Dec 31st). Because of this you cannot issue new tax receipts for the previous year after you have filed your T1030 return. (The amount receipted would be wrong if you did.) The software will not issue a new tax receipt after June 30th for any previous year.
Once you give a tax receipt to the donor you should not reprint it with the same receipt number. If they lose the receipt or discover an error on the receipt, you need to print a replacement receipt with a new receipt #. On the replacement receipt it will show a message like:
This cancels and replaces receipt # xxxxx
where the xxxxx is the previous receipt #. If you find a mistake with the receipts before you give them to the donors, you may correct it and reprint them with the same receipt #s. The software will allow you to reprint receipts a maximum of 7 days after you printed the original copies. So you should check for any errors the same week you print them.
Donarius® keeps track of which user printed tax receipts the first time or reprinted the same receipt. This is helpful if your charity ever gets audited. So you should setup each user by going to the Setup menu and choosing Users. If only one person uses Donarius®, you don't need to do this. But even in this case you should record who used the software for each year.
Sometimes because of some exceptional reasons, the above behaviour by the software needs to be over-ridden. Please contact Nuverb Systems Inc on how to over-ride these functions.
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