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View/Print a Donor List

A list of donors is shown as follows:

1. Click the Donors icon and choose Donor List...

2. Choose how you want the donors sorted. When sorting by donor type and surname, all the donors of one type will be grouped together then sorted by name.  The Added Date is the date when you entered the donor into the database.  When sorting by name, you have the option of having each letter of the alphabet on a separate page.  Just put a checkmark on: Each letter on a separate page.

3. Choose what else you want shown in addition to the donor's name (address, envelope number and/or donor number).   It will also show their phone numbers and email addresses. It will show the same ones that were shown on the last section of the donor directory.

4. You have the choice of showing only donors that use envelope #'s or both those that do and don't use them. Put a checkmark on Only Env#'s to show only those that do use envelope #'s.

5. When you have re-assigned envelope #'s you will have a choice of showing the current envelope # or one that was used in a previous year. For example, if new numbers were given for 2011 you will see a checkbox: Show env# used in 2010

6. When you show an address, you have the option of showing the P.A.D. (or A.C.H.) start date and how often the deposits are done. (for the donors who are using it.)

7. When you do not show an address, you have the option of putting a checkbox on each line.  The list will then be shown in two columns if you print in Portrait or three columns if you print in Landscape.  (When viewing the list on the screen only one column will be shown.)

8. Choose whether you want the donor type, characteristics, the donor's birthday and/or a count of the number of donors shown in the list.

9. You have the option of grouping all members of a family together, by checking on Group family members together. If you leave this unchecked, each member will be shown separately.  You also should choose whether to show the parents' birthday, children's birthday and/or the anniversary. (This is only available if you purchased the Relationships & Families module.)

10. To show only the donors with a birthday, start date, membership expiry date or with their last donation in a given range, enter a date range. (First choose which date you want.) The year can be omitted for birthdays and expiry dates.  For example, to show everyone with a birthday in March you would type from: Mar 1 to: Mar 31 for the date range. To show the birthday in a separate column, enter a birthday range, uncheck Group family members together if it is visible, then uncheck Birthday beside name. To show only those whose membership has not expired type none for the membership expiry date.  To show only those who never donated type none or never for the last donation 'from date'.

11. Choose what types of donors you want included in the list.  It will find any donor who has that type or whose spouse has that type.  You may want to keep inactive donors in your files but not have them show up on the donor list.  To do this, create a donor type called Inactive or something similar, then remove the checkmark from that donor type to omit them from the donor list.  If you use donor characteristics select which ones you want to include or exclude.  In each of the list boxes, click on the heading to select all or none of the choices.  To do a list of only one donor type, click on the heading to remove all the checkmarks then select the type you want.  The list will have a count of how many of that donor type there are including the spouses (if you chose a donor type for the spouses).

12. Click OK or press the Enter key and the donor list will be shown.

You will see each donor's name underlined and in blue. Clicking on the name brings you to the Add/Edit Donors window for that donor.

To find out how to print the list click here. To close the list click on [Close Report] in the menu bar.

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