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Envelope Numbers

When you give out new numbered envelopes to donors at the end of the year you may wish to change the envelope number for each donor.  You can change the numbers manually or have the software re-assign new envelope numbers.

To manually enter the new envelope numbers you have two choices:
1. Enter a new number for every donor. Click the Re-assign Envelopes icon, then click the Manually Re-assign All #'s button. You will be asked if you are sure you  want to do this.  Click Yes and everyone's current number will be moved to their old number, the current number will be deleted and then it will say All Done!. Click Done and enter the new envelope number for each donor by clicking on the Donors icon and choosing Add/Edit Donors....

2. If only some donors will get a new number, enter a new number only for those.  Click the Re-assign Envelopes icon, then click the Manually Re-assign Some #'s button. You will be asked if you are sure you  want to do this.  Click Yes and everyone's current number will be moved to their old number, but their current number will remain and then it will say All Done!. Click Done and enter the new envelope number only for those donors that need one by clicking on the Donors icon and choosing Add/Edit Donors....

To have Donarius re-assign new envelope numbers, follow these steps:

1. Check if there are any donors who are using envelope numbers now but will not be using them in the new year.  Delete their current envelope number so they will not be given a new number.  Also check if there are any donors who are not using envelope numbers now but wish to use them in the new year.  Change their envelope number to 9999 so they will be assigned a new number. If your church needs envelope numbers larger than that, then you can change this by clicking on the Re-assign Envelope Numbers icon on the main window. On the bottom right change the Biggest envelope #.

2. Click the Re-assign Envelopes icon.

3. Envelopes usually have the dates pre-printed on them for a calendar year, going from Jan to Dec.  You may be using a different range of dates such as a fiscal year that is different from the calendar year.  In this case you should indicate that the dates on the envelopes correspond with your fiscal year.  To do this, enter your fiscal year-end by clicking the Church or Organization icon.  Then come back to this window and click on the radio button that says Fiscal Year near the bottom. Some countries have a taxation year that is different from the calendar year. In these cases you will have the option of having the dates on the envelopes correspond to the taxation year.

4. You will see a list of the range of existing numbers and what range they will become after re-assigning them.  For example, suppose the highest envelope number you use is 105 and you have 90 donors who will get new envelope numbers. You would see this:
 1-105 => 1-90
 9999 => 1-90

Some churches use a totally different range for the new number, such as 201 and up. In this case you would change the list to be:
 1-105 => 201-290
 9999 => 201-290

You may wish to leave some envelope numbers unchanged. Indicate only which ones will be changed in the list.  For example suppose you don't want numbers 1-15 to be changed.  You would then type:
 16-105 => 1-90
 9999 => 1-90

Or you could type this, to make it obvious that numbers 1-15 stay the same:
 1-15 => same
 16-105 => 1-90
 9999 => 1-90

If some donors, who used to use numbers 1-15, no longer use them, their envelope number will be given to someone else.  For example suppose the donors have the following envelope numbers: 1,2,3,5,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,... and you want donors from 1 to 15 to continue having the same number.  The numbers 4,6,7,9 are  not used by anyone, so they will be given to someone new.  The donors with an envelope number of 16 or more are re-assigned and they will then get the numbers 4,6,7,9,16,17,18,...

You may have some envelope numbers that will not be used anymore.  For example, suppose all donors with envelope numbers from 501 to 599 will not be using envelopes anymore.  You would use the word unused on the right side, like this:
 1-300 => 1-250
 501-599 => unused
 9999 => 1-250

Those donors will not have an envelope number.

If you have different ranges of envelope numbers for different purposes then add them.  For example, suppose envelope numbers 1-200 are for regular members and numbers 700-799 are for children to use.  Also suppose that you use envelope number 9998 for children who did not use envelopes but will be in the new year. Then you would enter this:
 1-200 => 1-190
 9999 => 1-190
 700-799 => 700-799
 9998 => 700-799
 (For this to work you must enter 9998 as the Biggest envelope #.)

5. Choose how you want the donors to be sorted before giving them a new number. They can be sorted by their current envelope number or alphabetically by surname. When you sort by surname, you will have the option of leaving some envelope numbers unused, between each letter, which you can use to give to new donors. You also have the option of making each letter start on a multiple of a number. For example, you could have each letter on a multiple of 10, so that A's go from: 1-35 (36-39 are not used), B's go from: 40-64 (65-69 are not used), C's go from: 70-103 (104-109 are not used), etc.

6. Click the Re-assign #'s button.  If there are any problems with the ranges you typed you will be asked to check them.  When the ranges are OK, the envelope numbers will be reassigned and you will see a message that says All Done!

7. You may restore each donor's envelope number by clicking the Undo button.

8. Click Done, then choose Add/Edit Donors... from the Donors icon.

9. The donor's new envelope number is shown (as well as their old one).  The software knows which envelope number each donor is using in what year. For example suppose envelope numbers are re-assigned in the first week of Dec 2011.  When donations are entered by envelope number during Dec. the old envelope numbers are used.  Suppose you go to the old envelope number 35, what what you will see is 35 (2011).  The year for the old numbers is shown after the number so that you know it is an old envelope number.  For Jan 2012 the new envelope numbers are used without any year shown.

Note: Envelope numbers can be re-assigned only during the first or last months of the range of dates on the envelopes.  For a calendar year you can re-assign envelope numbers in Dec or Jan.

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