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Importing Data from Microsoft® Excel
To import data into Donarius® from an Excel spreadsheet, you first need to convert the spreadsheet into a text file, as follows:
1. Start Microsoft® Excel and open your spreadsheet.
2. If your spreadsheet has multiple sheets, then select the one you want to export.
3. Go to the File menu and choose Save As...
4. Where it says Save as Type choose CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
5. Change the folder where you want it to be saved and pick a file name, then click the Save button.
6. If your spreadsheet has multiple sheets, you will be told that the selected file type does not support multiple sheets (or something similar). Just click OK.
7. Close the spreadsheet. You will get a message that the file is not in Microsoft Excel format and do you want to save the changes. Click Yes. You will then be shown the file to be saved to. Click Save. You will then be told that the file already exists and do you want to replace the existing file. Click Yes. You may be told that the selected file type does not support multiple sheets. Just click OK. (the file is not actually saved until you respond to all these messages).
You are now ready to import data from the CSV file into Donarius®.
These instructions apply to Microsoft® Excel 97 and Excel 2003. If you have a different version of Excel these steps may be different.
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