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Church or Organization Info
To change church or organization information:
1. Click the Church or Organization icon.
2. Type your church or organization's name and address. The name can have foreign characters as well as Latin ones. For example, Chinese or Korean.
3. Enter your organization's business number (BN #). (Organizations outside of Canada may leave this blank.)
4. Enter the fiscal year end of your organization. In some countries the taxation year does not run from Jan 1 to Dec 31. If this applies to you then change the taxation year end for your country. For example in Australia the taxation year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, so you would enter June 30 as the year end.
5. You may want to use a different word to indicate pledges on your reports. Enter a word with a similar meaning, where it says Pledge synonym:. You should enter it as a present tense verb. For example: promise, commit or (estimated giving) The word must be 10 characters or less so that it will fit in the pledge column on tax receipts and quarterly statements.
6. If you are a church then you will usually receive donations on the same day of the week. Choose which day where it says: Donations usually received on. For other charitable organizations, choose Any Day.
7. Type your church or organization's website if you want it to appear on your tax receipts. It will be shown on the Standard and Double Window receipt styles. You can also include it on a custom tax receipt with the command:
8. Click Save or press the Enter key.
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