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Printing a Test Tax Receipt

Before printing your tax receipts, you should print a test receipt to make sure it looks the way you want it to.  Please follow these steps:

1. Set your Last used receipt # to be one less than what you want your receipts to start at. (Do this by clicking on Tax Receipts and choosing Setup Tax Receipts...)  For example if you want your receipts to start at 501 then enter 500 for the last receipt #.  You should do this first so that when your get a test receipt that is fine, you will use it as the actual receipt to give the person.
2. Click on Tax Receipts and choose View Tax Receipts....
3. Type the Donor# or Env# of someone and click OK.  If you have already printed this receipt, you will get a message telling you that it has been printed and do you want to reprint it - click Yes.
4. You will see one tax receipt shown.  Check that at the top it says Donor 1 of 1 or Pg 1 of 1.
5. Check the way the receipt looks on the screen. If it is not the way you want it then change it like this:
a) Click on [Close Report] in the menu bar to go back to the main window.
b) Click on Tax Receipts  and choose Setup Tax Receipts...
c) Make some changes to the setup and click Save.
d) To change the font name, font size, top margin or left margin on receipts, go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences...
e) View the tax receipt again as described in steps #2 & #3
6. When the receipt looks OK on the screen, print it by clicking [Print] in the menu bar.  Check that it will print only one copy.
7. If the receipt printed OK then use it as the person's actual receipt.
8. If the receipt is not right then change the setup by doing step #5 and print it again.

To print a test receipt for another person, do the same as above but use a different Donor# or Env#.  If you printed a receipt above, then the second receipt will have the next receipt #.

After you are satisfied that the receipts look fine, make sure you have good copies of the receipts for the people you were testing.  If not then print a good copy for each person before proceeding.

To print the receipts for everyone else, do this:

1. Click on Tax Receipts and choose View Tax Receipts....
2. Leave the Donor# and Env# blank and click OK.
3. It will show the first receipt. Look at the receipt and check it.
4. Press Page Down on the keyboard and check the next receipt.
5. Repeat step #4 for all receipts.  The receipts for the people you were testing will not appear.
6. If any receipts are wrong then click [Close Report], fix whatever was wrong then start again at step #1.
7. If all the receipts are OK then print them by clicking [Print] in the menu bar.

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