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General format of emails:
An email should be setup with the following items:
a) the email address to send to
Do this by including a line with To: followed by the email address.
For example:
To: {donors:email}
b) To also send to another address, add a CC:
For example:
{if {donors:email[2]}CC: {donors:email[2]}{/if} will add a CC only if the donor has a second email address.
You can also have several emails, on the To: line separated by commas.
c) the subject of the email
Do this by including a line with Subject: followed by the subject of the email.
For example:
Subject: Thank you for your recent donation
d) To request a 'Return Receipt' to make sure the email was received, add: (RR)
For example:
{v 1.04}To: {donors:email}
Subject: Your statement
e) any files to attach to the email
Do this by including a line with attach: followed by a list of files, separated by semi-colons or commas. If the file-name does not have a folder name then it will look for the file in the Donarius® folder. You can also use attachment:.
For example:
attachment: Report.txt
attach: C:\Documents\Letter.doc
f) the text of the email message
For example:
Hi {donors:dear},
Thank you for your recent donation of {total}.
John Doe
The email address you are sending from (i.e. the email address of your church or organization) will be entered in a separate box on the window where you setup your emails.
You should send an email to yourself, to make sure it is right, before you send it to a group of people.
To send an HTML email, type the HTML code where the text of the email goes. It must start with the <html><body> tags. (You also need </body></html> tags at the end.) When you need to go to the next line type <br> at the end of the line. (<br> means line break). If you want graphics or sound in your message, you should reference a file on a webpage. Attaching the graphics files to your email (called embedded images in an email) will not work with some servers. Here is an example email with a graphic for the background and a sound to be played:
{v 1.04}To: {donors:email}
Subject: Have a Merry Christmas
<body background="">
Dear {donors:dear},
We hope your Christmas will be full of the joy
and peace that only the Son of God can give.
<bgsound src="">
If your email has a year-to-date summary or list of donations a regular email will not display correctly because different characters may be of different width which causes the columns not to line up. To avoid this you need to use an HTML email so you can change to a fixed width font. The font is changed with a <font> HTML tag. The part of the email that is to be of fixed width also needs to have {fwhtml} and {/fwhtml} commands. Here is an example of showing a year-to-date summary:
<font face="Courier New, Fixedsys, Terminal">{fwhtml}
The fonts Courier New, Fixedsys and Terminal are fixed width fonts that are on most comptuters.
When you select the email and display it (before sending it), no graphics will be shown and no sound will play. You should write and test your html code using web page creation software or your web browser or by sending an email to yourself. Before you send all the emails to a group of people, it is also a good idea to send one email to yourself, to make sure it is right.
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