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User/Password Setup
You can control who uses Donarius® by setting up users and entering a password for them.
Each time Donarius® is started you will be asked sign in with a password. If you want everyone to have full access to Donarius® then do not enter any users. In this case a password will not be necessary.
Adding/editing users:
To setup users, go to the Setup menu and choose Users.... The first time you go to enter a user it will be blank. The first user is the administrator. Type their first name and a password and click the Add button.. Only administrators can add users or edit their privileges, including updating passwords. The passwords must be at least 4 characters long. The passwords for each user must be different. To prevent unauthorized access do not record the passwords anywhere but tell each user to memorize them. If a user forgets their password an administrator must enter their new password. If an administrator forgets their password, they will have to contact Nuverb Systems to be given a master password so they can get access to the software.
Setting up each user's privileges:
Once you have setup the administrator, additional users can be entered by clicking the New... button.
Enter the new user's name, title and password. If the password you choose is too similar to that of another user you will be told so when you click on Add. To grant the user full access, put a checkmark on Full Access.
For restricted access, uncheck Full Access. Then select what information they are allowed to access and what functions they are permitted to do. When finished, click the Add button. To update an existing user, click the Next or Previous buttons to view each user. When finished editing or adding click Save.
Tellers (or counters) usually enter donations by a donor's envelope number or by donor number if the donor does not use envelopes. Also tellers can print a report of the donations they have entered. They can show the totals only or a breakdown by envelope number. Some churches have several groups of tellers who count certain sets of envelopes. In this case the tellers can give a range of envelope numbers and see the total for that range.
Usually you don't want tellers to know who an envelope number belongs to. So remove the checkmark (near the bottom right) where it says:
May know who an env# belongs to
When entering donations, tellers will see the envelope number but not the donor's name. (If no one uses envelopes then this checkbox will say May know who a donor# belongs to). If you do want tellers to be able to link a name with an envelope/donor number, put a checkmark there.
You have a choice of whether to allow users to:
view donor info
view & edit donor information
enter new donors
delete donors
merge duplicate donors.
Choose a combination of the checkboxes:
[] View [] Edit [] Add [] Delete [] Merge Donors
When users view donor info they will see how much the donor donated only as far back as they can do a report. Also, they will see the envelope # only if the May know who an env# belongs to checkbox is checked.
When they are allowed to view donor info, they will also be able to view and print:
a) a donor list
b) church/donor directories
c) labels/envelopes for mailings
d) letters and emails that do not have any donation amounts.
They will also be able to export donor info.
When a user with restricted access enters or edits donations they can go back only a certain number of days. Look where it says:
May add/edit all donation info
up to [ __ ] days ago
Choose how far back they should be allowed to go. If you enter the word all there they can enter/edit all donations. You may want your church's secretary to use Donarius® and not enter any donations. Put the word no here to prevent them from entering any donations.
You may want some users to edit only the note, motivation code or reason code of a donation but not the amount. Or you may want them to enter/edit receipts issued on your behalf by another organization. (Or both.) In either case click on:
all donation info
and it will switch to:
notes, motivation codes and when
(Note: when will have a different name if you renamed it.)
Click on it again and it will say:
NR donations+receipt#
If you click it again it will say:
notes, motivation codes and when or NR donations+receipt#
so they can do both.
You may want to limit what type of reports a user can view. To prevent them from viewing a list of donors/envelope numbers and the donations for each, uncheck:
View report of donations by donor or View report of donations by env#
You may also want to limit how far back a user can go when viewing a report. If there is no limit then put the word all in the box. You may want someone such as a church secretary to use Donarius® and not view any donation reports. Put the word no here to prevent them from viewing any donations.
To allow a users to enter new donor types/characteristics and edit them, put a checkmark on:
May add/edit donor types and characteristics
To allow a users to enter new donation categories and edit current categories, put a checkmark on:
May add/edit categories
When entering donations, you may want to limit which categories a teller/counter can chose above each amount box. To prevent a teller/counter from changing any category that is not a sub-category put a checkmark on:
Lock regular categories
For sub-categories you may want to limit the teller/counter to choosing a sub-category in the same group. If so put a checkmark on:
Only same sub-categories
To limit which payment methods the user is allowed to enter choose them in the Only Paid By box.
To restrict which categories the user is allowed to use choose them in the Only These Categories box.
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