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Library of Commonly Used Reports:

You may find that your reports have many sections/parts that are used often.  Instead of typing each of them in every report, just put them in a library.  For example, each of your letters may have your organization's name, address and logo.  You would then setup a header library file and include it in all your letters.  To create or edit a library file, click on the Tax Receipts or Mailings icons and choose Setup Library....  To insert a library file at a certain point in a report use an {­include} command.

There are several ways it can be used:

{­include FILE}  Include a library file with this name. For example,{­include Header} includes a header file. If the library file name has spaces then put the name in quotes. i.e. {­include "Donor history"}

{­include SCRIPT}  Include one of a set of files depending the result of a script. Suppose your organization supports several people at other organizations and you want to have a letter with a different message depending on which person a donor donated to.  You would create a donation category with the name of each person. Then you would create a library file with the message for each person and name each of them the same as the donation category.  In your letter you would have the command {­include {­category}}.  When creating the letter, Donarius® would find the category donated to, then include the matching library file.

{­include FILE* SCRIPT}  To make it easier to distinguish what a library file is used for, you may need to add something as part of the name.  Let's explain with an example.  Suppose you want a different message depending on the type of donor. You could just use {­include {­status_name}} and have a library file with the donor type name, such as: Member, Visitor, Business.  This may be confusing so may want to name each library file: Type-member, Type-visitor, Type-Business.  To do this you would use: {­include "Type-*" {­status_name}}  The * in the file name will be replaced by the donor type name.

{­tryinclude ...}{­else}...{­/if}  You may not want to create a library file for each possible case, but only some. You would want the other cases to use some standard item.  In the example above of donating to people at other organizations, you may have some donors who make general donations instead of to a specific person.  For those you would want to include a standard thank you message.  To do this you use the tryinclude command.  This will attempt to find the correct library file and if there is none, use something else. You would use something like:
  {­tryinclude {­category}}{­else}Thank you.{­/if}

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