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Memorizing the Settings for a Report
If you often need a certain report you can memorize your settings so you don't have to choose them each time.
Here is how to memorize a report:
1. Display the report including a title by setting a comment/text in the header.
2. Click on [Memorize] in the menu bar.
3. Indicate if you want to remember the date range. When you run a memorized report, the date range will be set to the current or previous year depending on today's date. For example, if the range in the memorized report is Mar 1 to June 30 and the current date is somewhere in Mar 31 - Dec 31 the range when you run it will be in the current year. If the current date is somewhere in Jan 1 - Mar 30 then it will be for the previous year. If you don't tell it to remember the date range, it will use whatever range the previous report had.
4. If you are creating a new report then choose a name for it.
5. If you are replacing a previously memorized report then choose which one to replace.
6. If you wish to rename a report, choose the report then click the Rename Report button. Type the new name then click the Rename To button.
7. If you don't use a report anymore delete it by choosing it then clicking the Delete Report button.
8. Click Save when done.
To run a report you memorized, click on the Reports icon or go to the View menu and choose it from the list of memorized reports.
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