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Viewing and Printing a Receipt Details Report

Either before or after you have printed all of your tax receipts, you can view details about receipts already printed and those that still need to be printed.
This can be used to verify the amounts for each donor before printing them. (this also included receipts in PDF format and emailed)

Display a Receipt Details report, like this:

1. Click the Tax Receipts icon and choose View Receipt Details...

2. Indicate whether to show the donor's name, donor#, env# or a combination of them.

3. Enter the date range of the receipts you will be printing or have already printed.

4. Choose whether you want to show each donor's address or not.

5. Click OK or press Enter.

6. To print the report click on [Print] in the menu bar.

These columns will be shown:

Receipted Annual - A receipt was already printed for this amount for this donor who wants Yearly Receipts.

Receipted Per Donation - Receipts were already printed for this amount for this donor who wants 1 per donation receipts.

Receipted GIK - 'Gift in Kind' or 'Gift with Advantage' receipts  were already printed for this amount for this donor.
   (this shows only if there are any such receipts)

Receipt Pending - A receipt of this amount still needs to be printed for this donor.

Non Receiptable - This is the amount that will not be on any receipt for any of these reasons:
 a) a donation was made to a non-receiptable category
 b) a donation was made using a non-receiptable payment method
 c) the donor does not want any receipts (No Receipt chosen for the type of receipt)
 d) the total amount donated is less than the minimum required to get a tax receipt
 e) the donor is used to record loose donations.
 f) the donor is another charity (they don't get official receipts)
 g) a donation was made to a hidden category (such as online fees)

There is a symbol/letter after the amount to indicate the reason.
At the bottom of the report there is a legend that explains the symbols/letters.

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