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Selecting Only the Records That Match Criteria:

On the View Mailings windows and View Tax Receipts windows there are several criteria you can specify to select which donors are to be selected.  You can also select donors by a command in a customized receipt/letter/email.

You have three commands to do this:

{­select CONDITION} This will include a donor if the CONDITION is true.  If it is false the donor will not be shown. For example, {­select {­donors:RCPT_METHOD}="E"} will only show donors who want to receive their tax receipts as a PDF file by email.

{­ignore} This will ignore the donor.  To use this you should put it inside of an if command.  For example:
      {­if {­donors:lastdn}<"Jan 1, 2011"} {­ignore} {­/if}
 will ignore anyone whose last donation was before Jan 1, 2011.

{­choose <ITEM1> <CHOICE1> <ITEM2> <CHOICE2> <ITEM3> <CHOICE3>...}
This will automatically select or unselect a choice on the View Mailings window depending on what <ITEM> is:
paidby   Payment method
status   Donor type
class   individual/organization that needs a recept or charity that does not need a receipt
charac   Donor characteristics
xcharac  Exclude donor characteristics
reason   Reason list
rcptyp   the type of receipt
rcpt_method   method of sending receipts
from   the start of the date range
to   the end of the date range
ge_min to select only those who gave >= the minimum amount
contact to choose only those who have not been contacted already

The characters for <CHOICE> are the abbreviations for each item (when item is one of: paidby, status, charac, xcharac or reason.). If there is an exclamation mark (!) before the choices then it means select all choices except those.  No ! means select only the ones you have given.
* means choose all of them.
  eg: {­choose paidby G} means choose only "Gifts in Kind"
  {­choose status !M} means choose all except donor type M
  {choose paidby *} means all payment methods.

You can also select:
class   Needs/does not need official receipt
dash or underscore for needs official receipt
N for does not need official receipt

rcptyp   Type of receipt
The characters for <CHOICE> are:
D for 1 per donation receipts
dash or underscore for Yearly Receipts
N for No Receipt
* for all types

rcpt_method  Method of sending receipts
The characters for <CHOICE> are:
dash or underscore for Paper Receipts
E for PDF Receipts by Email
* for all methods

The from and to dates can be with or without the year. When the year is missing, it will:
a) use the current year if the to date is before or the same as today's date (without year)
b) use the previous year if the to date is after today's date
e.g. suppose the to date is Apr 30.  If today's date is Jan 1-Apr 29 it will use the previous year and Apr 30 to Dec 31 it will use the current year

<ITEM> can also be ge_min to choose an amount range that is greater than or equal to the minimum amount you want to give a tax receipt for.  (This is set on the Setup Tax Receipts window.)

<ITEM> can be contact followed by a number or the word any or the word once. When it is a number it will select only those who have not been contacted already that many number of days ago.  When it is any it will select donors regardless of whether they were contacted before or not. When it is the once, it will select donors who have never been contacted.

<ITEM> can also be a type of date followed by a date range relative to today.
The possible dates are:
since the date the donor was added
birth the donor's birthday
memberexpiry the membership expiry date
lastdn the date of the last donation
updated the date the donor's info was updated
event_date[#] one of the custom event dates (# is from 1 to 10)

The date range is how many days, months or years to go relative to today. Here are some examples:
{choose added -3M -1M} selects donors who where added between 1 and 3 months ago.
{choose lastdn -2Y -1Y} selects donors who last donated between 1 and 2 years ago
{choose event_date[2] -21D -14D} selects donors with the 2nd event date between 2 and 3 weeks ago.

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