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Soft Credits

Sometimes a donor donates because they were advised by someone else.  In such a case you may want to thank both the person who advised and the person who donated because someone encouraged them to donate.
(Note: you need 2 modules to use this: 'Relationships/Families' and 'Letters/Emails'.)

Here is how to do this:
a) Click on the $$$ icon.
b) Enter the donation received.
c) At the top right in the Advised By: box, type the name or donor# of the person who advised the donation.
d) In the menu bar click [Done (F10)].
e) Send us a sample of the letters or emails you would like to send to both the donor and the person who advised them.
    We'll setup the letter or email and send you the format file for it.
f) Click on the Mailings icon and choose View Emails or View Letters.
g) Where it says Letter to view or Email to view choose the name of the file we sent you.
h) Enter a date range with the advised donations.
i) 3 lines up from the OK button, where it says:
    Only show donors who are a
    choose Advised donation
j) Click OK.
k) For a letter click [Print] and for an email click [Send Emails].

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