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Updating a field in a file:

After a letter/tax receipt is printed, an email is sent or either one is saved to a text file, a field in a data file can be changed.  Do the following types of changes by including the type of change in curly braces {­ } (in upper or lower case) followed by the field and how to change it.

Field Change:  Description:

append  Append a character or some text to a field, but only if that field does not already have that character or text.  For eg: {­append donors:comments "Oct 2010"}
 The text to be appended can be another script.  You can keep track of when a letter was sent to a donor as follows:
 {­append donors:comments {­"Letter-Sent:" + {­today}}}
 When the text to be appended has a colon (:) then it will look to see if the part before the colon is already in the field then just update the part after it. (The part before the colon should not have any spaces.)

remove  Remove a character or some text from a field.  For eg: {­remove donors:charac M} will remove the characteristic with the abbreviation M from the donor.  This is used when printing letters to donors that have a certain characteristic and you want to record that the letter has been printed.  You remove that characteristic so they won't get a second letter. For example, you want to send a letter to new members or those renewing membership.

add  Add a number to a field.  (If the field is a date, it will add the number of days to the date.)

subtract  Subtract a number from a field.  (If the field is a date, it will subtract the number of days from the date.)

set  Set a field to the given text or number.  If the field is a date, you can use the word today to set it to today's date. For example, {­set donors:memberexpiry today} will set the expiry date to today.  If the field is a true/false field it will be set to true if you use any of these synonyms: true, yes, on, or checked.  Anything else will be considered false.

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