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Quick Setup Using Wizard
You can setup the most commonly needed settings using a wizard. Go to the Setup menu and choose Using Wizard... Answer each question then click Next >>>. On the last question click Done. In the demo/trial version you will be asked these questions the first time you use Donarius®.
These are the settings you can change:
1. The type of organization, such as church, ministry, school, business etc.
2. The name you want to use for each person in the database. e.g. donor, member, customer.
When you choose Business as the type of organization, it will call people customers.
3. The name you want to use for money received. e.g. donation, contribution, sale.
When you choose Business as the type of organization, it will call the money sales and to receive money is to buy.
You can also rename categories to funds or accounts.
4. Whether you use numbered envelopes for donations.
5. The day of the week you usually receive donations. When you enter donations the date will default to the previous usual day.
6. Whether you accept anonymous or loose donations.
7. Passwords to restrict access to the software.
8. How often to be reminded to do a backup.
9. Whether you want to record how donations were made. For example, by check, cash, credit card, etc.
10. Add/edit donation categories.
11. Use sample data when trying the demo version of Donarius.
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