- Index
Donor fields that can be included on custom reports:
Include a field by typing {donors:FIELD} (in upper or lower case) where FIELD is one of the following names:
Field Name: Description:
DONOR# Donor #
OLDNR# Donor # from previous software
ENV# Envelope #
NAME Donor's full name
FIRST Donor's first name
SURNAME Donor's last name
SALUTE_NAME N Donor's name with the salutation. The optional N is used to indicate how to address a family:
H=Head of Family
S=Mr&Mrs <Surname>
F=Mr&Mrs <First><Surname>,
B=Mr&Mrs <Both><Surname>
When it is blank it will use the setting from: One mailing per family addressed to: For example: if the name is John Doe and the salutation field has Mr. then this field will be Mr. John Doe when N is F If you are doing one mailing for a family, with the wife's name Mrs. Jane Doe it will show Mr. & Mrs. Doe when N is S.
SALUTATION The salutation (eg: Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc.)
DEAR The Dear part that is in letters/emails. This will be the donor's first name if the Dear box is empty in the Donor Information window. When both the husband's and wife's name are entered into the Name box, it will show both their first names. For example, when the name is Bob & Jenny Jones, it will show Bob & Jenny If you are doing one mailing for a family, both the husband's and wife's first name will be shown.
NAME_SUFFIX Initials at the end of the name to indicate degree or certification obtained. i.e. Ph.D. or C.A. It is also used for Jr/Sr.
NAME_TITLE_COMPANY PREFIX The donor's name followed by the title on one line and the company name on a second line. For example:
John Doe (President)
ABC Grocers Inc.
If there is a PREFIX it will be put in front of the company name. For example: {donors:name_title_company c/o} will show:
John Doe (President)
c/o ABC Grocers Inc.
COMPANY_NAME_TITLE PREFIX The company name on one line and the donor's name followed by the title on a second line. For example:
ABC Grocers Inc.
John Doe (President)
If there is a PREFIX it will be put in front of the donor's name. For example: {donors:company_name_title Attn:} will show:
ABC Grocers Inc.
Attn: John Doe (President)
SPOUSE Spouse and children's names
TITLE Donor's title
COMPANY The company name
ADDR1 First line of address
ADDR2 Second line of address (shown only if not blank)
CITY City or town
PROV Province/State
PC Postal/Zip Code
LAND Country
MAIL_CODE Mail delivery code for hand delivering mail by volunteers. This can also be used for a mailbox #.
PREF_CONTACT The donor's preferred method of contact via email: 1=home email, 2=work email, 3=other email, blank=use first email, N=don't contact by email
PREF_MAIL The donor's preferred method of contact via mail: M=mail, F=fax, N=don't contact by mail
EMAIL The preferred email address of the donor.
EMAIL[1] Home email address.
EMAIL[2] Work email address.
EMAIL[3] Other email address.
TEL#[1] Home phone #.
TEL#[2] Work phone #
TEL#[3] Cell phone #.
TEL#[4] FAX #.
The above emails/phone numbers could have different meanings if you have changed them by clicking on the email/phone headings in the Add/edit donors window.
TEL# A list of all the above phone numbers on one line separated by commas.
TEL#[C+P] The first phone # with a cell phone provider.
PERSON_IMAGE The file that has an image of the donor.
FAMILY_IMAGE The file that has an image of the donor's family.;
SINCE The date the donor was added to the database. This can be renamed to something else such as: Last Attended.
WHY_SINCE The abbreviation for the reason for adding the donor.
BIRTH The donor's birthday.
MEMBEREXPIRY The membership expiry date. This can also be used for other kinds of expiry dates, such as a credit card expiry date or the date on the donor's last post-dated check. This field can also be renamed to something such as Date Removed.
WHY_EXPIRED The abbreviation for the reason the donor's membership expired.
LASTDN The date of the last donation the donor made.
UPDATED_DATE The date the donor info was changed/added.
UPDATED_BY The name of the user that changed/added the donor.
UPDATED_TYPE The type of a change: U=updated, A=added, u=updated by importing, a=added by importing, R=restored
EVENT_DATE[1] The first custom date for an event
EVENT_DATE[2] The second custom date for an event
. . . EVENT_DATE[10] (There are 10 custom dates.)
EVENT_DATE[D] The date of death. (For this to work, you need to add an event with one of these words: died, deceased or death.)
<date> FORMAT Any date field can have the date shown in a different format. For example, if a donor's birthday is May 15, 1965 then {donors:birth md} will show May 15. (Go here to see the formats)
COMMENTS The "Comments" field.
MEMO The "Receipt Memo"
RCPTYP The type of receipt to give the donor. D means one receipt per donation and blank means yearly receipts. N means the donor does not want to get a tax receipt.
RCPT_METHOD The method of sending the receipt to the donor. E means to email the receipt as a PDF to the donor and blank means print the receipt and mail it to them.
STATUS The donor type abbreviation.
STATUS_NAME The donor type name.
CLASS The class of the donor type: I=individual, B=business/organization, N=no receipt (charity) and L=client. You can use this to change the receipt into a statement for those donors who do not get a tax receipt because they are a charity. For example: you can have a different message for each type of receipt:
{if {donors:class}="N"}This is your statement.
{else}This is your official tax receipt.{/if}
A statement for a charity should not have a receipt number. To display the receipt # only for donors that are not charities use this:
{if {donors:class}!="N"}{receipt#}{/if}
GENDER If you have a characteristic to indicate gender then this will be M for male and F for female. When you don't have a characteristic for gender it will return U for unknown.
CHARAC The abbreviations for each characteristic the donor has.
CHARAC_NAME The name of the first characteristic selected for the donor. If none is selected this will be empty.
CHARAC_NAME SELECT The name of the first characteristic from the selection of abbreviations selected for the donor. eg: {donors:charac_name "12MW"} will display which characteristic with the abbreviation 1, 2, M or W is the first one that the donor has.
CHARAC_NAME ALL The name of all the characteristics selected for the donor. Each is shown on a separate line. If none are selected this will be empty. ALL=S can be used to separate each characteristic with the character S instead of putting each on a separate line. For example, ALL=/ will put a slash between each characteristic.
CHARAC_NAME ALL SELECT The name of all the characteristics from the selection of abbreviations selected for the donor. Each is shown on a separate line. eg: {donors:charac_name all "12MW"} will display each of the characteristics with the abbreviation 1, 2, M or W that the donor has.
DONOR#CAT[#] The donor# (with no blanks) combined with an identifier for a category. For example: If the donor# is ADA 2 and the 7th category has an ID# of 5 then {donors:donor#cat[7]} will be ADA2E (The E is the fifth letter of the alphabet). A category's ID# is used so that even if you rearrange the order of the categories it will still find the same category. This is usually printed on a return portion that the donor includes with their donation. It will speed up the entry of donations for a particular category. When entering the donation, you just type this in the Donor# box and the cursor will automatically move to the correct category so you can enter the amount. If this is printed in a barcode font, you just have to scan the barcode. For example suppose you have a barcode font called Code39, you type this:
{font +10 "Code39"}*{donors:donor#cat[7]}*{/font}
(Code39 must be enlosed in asterisks and barcodes should be in a bigger font size to be readable.)
You can also keep track of which mailing or event a donor is responding to by setting up a reason or source code for each. These are setup in the donation entry window by clicking on When near the bottom right. You can also rename this to Mailing or Event. On the return portion you would add the reason abbreviation after the donor# and category identifier. For example, suppose one of your mailings had an abbreviation W then you would have:
{font +10 "Code39"}*{donors:donor#cat[7]W}*{/font}
BANK_NAME The bank and branch of the donor.
When you give the criteria for labels, envelopes, letters or emails, you have the option to indicate which donors to find that are related to a set of other donors. So a donor is included because they are related to some other donor. This other donor's information can be accessed using the command: relatedto The format of the command is this:
{relatedto FIELD}
FIELD is the field from the donor file that you want to display. It can also be START_DATE to give the date this relationship started. (For a husband/wife this is the anniversary.)
FIELD can also be *type to indicate the type of relationship. For example, {relatedto *type} would show spouse if the "relatedto" donor is the person's husband or wife, parent if the "relatedto" donor was the person's mother or father, etc. If you create a donor characteristic to indicate gender then it will say husband or wife instead of spouse and mother or father instead of parent, etc. You indicate gender by creating only one of the following donor characteristics and checking it off as needed:
man men
woman women
boy boys
girl girls
The donors that don't have the characteristic you use for gender will be assumed to be the opposite gender.
You can also include a field for a related donor by indicating the specific relationship you are looking for relative to the current donor. For example you can find the person's spouse, parent or who is being prayed for. The format of the command is this:
ABBREVIATION is the letter used to indicate the type of relationship
DIRECTION is from or to.
Here are some examples:
J to => spouse
C from => parent
C to => youngest child
P to => most recent person being prayed for
P from => most recent person that is praying for this donor
S to => most recent person that was sponsored
Other possible relationships are:
B => sibling
N => grandparent
M => mentor
H => helper
A => manager
F => friend
A => small group leader
FIELD is the field from the donor file that you want to display. It can also be START_DATE to give the date this relationship started. (For a husband/wife this is the anniversary.) Suppose you wanted to show the name of the most recent person being prayed for. This is what you would use:
{relation P to name}
You can also show all the relationships of one type with several fields from the donor file. The format of the command is this:
The word all indicates to find all donors with this relationship to the current donor. The WHERE item is either row or column to show each related donor in a row or column. (When missing it will assume row.) The FIELD_LIST is several fields that you want to show, with an optional heading in double quotes before each field. For example,
{relation all row S to "Name" name city "Born" birth "Start" start_date}
will show the name, city, birthday and sponsor start date of each person being sponsored, with one person per row. All columns have a heading except for the city.
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