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Payment methods:

It is not necessary, but you may record how each donation was made.  You have a choice of check, credit card, debit card, pre-authorized deposit, cash (bills), coin or a custom payment method. If you wish to be reminded to enter the method of payment then change the option shown below the Cash (Bills) button to Give payment method or Give method & # of bills. If you want the most commonly used method to automatically be chosen then select Auto payment method. (the most common other than a check)  During the first set of donations you enter, nothing will be automatically chosen. When you save your donations, Donarius will check what you selected most often, then tell you which one it was.  When entering donations the next time, that payment method will be selected after you type the amount.  If it was a check, then enter the check#. When you choose Auto & give # of bills, and you enter a cash donaton, you will be reminded to enter the number of each bill.

If the donor used a check then enter the check number (up to 10 digits long).  If you don't know the check number you can still record that a check was used by putting any character that is not a digit as the check number.  For example use a question mark.  If you entered each donor's bank and branch in the donor info window then it will be shown when you give a check number.  You can change the name and branch while entering donations by pressing the F4 key on the keyboard.  In case the donor gives two checks from two different banks, type the second bank name in the Note box preceeded by one of the following: B:, B=, Bank: or Bank= in upper or lower case.

To record the number of each bill size received, click on Cash (Bills) then enter how many of each bill size the donor gave.  If you are recording both bills and coins then enter the quantity of each.  If you are recording only the number of bills then any difference between the number of bills and the donation will be considered coin.

Sometimes you want to record extra info about the payment method, such as a credit card number or a check number that is longer than 10 digits. To do this enter the info in the Note box preceeded by one of the following: P: or P= in upper or lower case. For example to record a credit card number, you might type P=4500 1111 2222 3333 in the Note box.

Recording the method of payment makes it possible to print a bank deposit report.  This will list each check and give a break-down of the total received by each method. When you record the method of payment it will also show up on most of the reports, provided that the donor used the same method for the date range given.  Also the method of payment will optionally show up on the donor's tax receipt.

When the cursor is in an amount field you can quickly choose a payment method by pressing a single key on the keyboard.  This means you don't have to move your hand to the mouse to click on a button. The shortcut keys (in upper or lower case) are displayed when you hold the mouse over the button or check number box.

You can change the letters used for these shortcuts.  Click here then scroll to the middle of the page to find out how to do this.  You can also add your own payment methods on this window.

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