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Setting up Tax Receipts

To set up how you want tax receipts formatted:

1. Click the Tax Receipts icon and choose Setup Tax Receipts....  The setup of your tax receipts will be displayed.

2. Give the range of tax receipt numbers that you use. For example it may say:
 After receipt # reaches: 999999   continue at: 100
This means that the receipt numbers go from 100 to 999999. When the largest possible receipt number has been used (999999), it will continue at the smallest number (100).  Also, specify the last receipt number you used on the last tax receipt that you printed.  You can also have the year added in front of the receipt number. (It can be a 2 or 4 digit year, so put a checkmark on how many digits to add.) When the year is part of the receipt #, the rest of the receipt # starts at the smallest receipt # each year.  For example if your receipt #s go from 1 to 999 with a 4 digit prefix, and you are issuing 149 receipts in 2016, the receipt numbers would be: 2016-001 to 2016-149. In 2017 if you issued 165, the receipt #s would be 2017-001 to 2017-165.  Once you have printed your first set of tax receipts, you will not be able to adjust the range of receipt numbers (except with a master password.)

3. You may not want to print tax receipts for small donations.  In this case, enter the smallest total amount you want to print a tax receipt for, where it says Issue only if >= this amount:.  For example, you may want to issue a receipt only when the total donated is $20.00 or more.  To print all tax receipts, put a zero in that box.

4. You may choose one of the built-in receipts or design your own receipt.  To design your own, choose one of the custom receipt formats in the Receipt Style. (You need to purchase the Custom Tax Receipt module to see this.)  Then change the layout of the receipt.  Click here to find out how to do this.  Or we can setup a custom receipt for you.  Email us a sample receipt as a Microsoft Word document.  There is no charge for the first custom receipt we setup for you.  Additional ones will be charged a $20 setup fee.

5. When you are using one of the built-in receipts, indicate how many copies of each receipt you want printed.  In Quebec, Canada donors need three copies, one for their federal tax return, one for their provincial return and one for their records.  For Quebec set the # of copies per page to 3 and the # of pages per receipt to 2 because the Canada Revenue Agency requires one copy to be kept by the charitable organization.  In Quebec you can also set the # of copies per page to 4 and # of pages per receipt to 1, then use the fourth copy as the charitable organization's copy.  In the rest of Canada set the # of copies per page to 1 and the # of pages per receipt to 2.  For other countries set these fields according to your government's regulations.

6. You can also set it up to print receipts for different donors on the same page.  Click on the text: # of copies per page and it will change to # different receipts/page.  Then enter how many receipts you want on the page and give the height of each too.

7. The memo section is used to print personal comments or a ministry update on the receipt.  (The memo can be up to 250 characters long.)  To show a different memo for some donors type a message in the Receipt Memo box in Add/Edit Donors... (This is only 80 characters long.) To have no memo on the receipt delete the memo.  The memo will be shown after the year-to-date summary when you have only one receipt per page.  When there are two or more copies of each receipt per page the memo will be on the donor's copy.

8. With the built-in receipts, you have the choice of using pre-printed forms or printing receipts on standard 8.5" x 11" paper.  To print using pre-printed forms select Pre-printed forms for the Receipt Style, otherwise choose one of the other receipts.  The bilingual receipts are for organizations that want English and French receipts for donors in Quebec. The double window envelope receipts print a receipt that can be mailed in an envelope with two windows, one for the organization's address and the other for a donor's address.

9. If a company is being paid to print the tax receipts for you then the tax receipt must show the company's location.  (For example, your accountant prints your tax receipts.) In this case, type the company's street, city and province/state where it says Location of company printing receipts:

10. When printing receipts on standard 8.5" x 11" paper do this:
a) If you have more then one receipt per page, you will see a field Donor Keeps Copy #.  The copy that the donor keeps will say KEEP THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS.  If you don't want a copy for the donor then set Donor Keeps Copy # to zero. The copy after the donor's copy or the last one will say ISSUING ORGANIZATION'S COPY.
b) There is a line for an authorized signature.  Below the signature line you can show the authorized person's name and title.  Enter the person's name and title if you want to show it.  To simply have the words Authorized Signature under the signature line leave the name and title blank.  Outside of Canada you may remove the signature line by unchecking the checkbox: Show Authorized Signature:.  If you supply a telephone #, the tax receipt will have a message to call the number if there are any questions.
c) If the receipt should show how the donor made their donation (ie. by check, cash, etc) then check off Show Payment Method.
d) In Canada you must show a receipt number on each receipt.  You may also show an additonal donor identification, which will appear below the receipt number. In other countries you may choose to have a receipt number or show another way to identify each receipt.  Choose an item from the list: Identify with: to pick what you want on the receipt.  (In Canada the heading will say: Additional ID:.)  When you want the envelope number on the receipt, Donarius® needs to know what to do with donors who don't have an envelope number.  Choose Envelope # or Donor # to show the donor number for donors who don't have an envelope number. Choose Envelope # or no # to show nothing if a donor does not have an envelope number.
e) A year-to-date summary by category can be shown on the bottom part of the receipt for each donor.  Indicate whether you want this and the minimum number of donation categories to show.  For example if you set this to three (3) categories and a donor gave to only one category then two other categories will be shown with zero amounts.
f) The receipt can include a list of all donations of a given amount or more.  (For example: in the USA you may want to list donations of $250 or more.)  The list will be shown on the bottom portion of the receipt before the year-to-date summary (if you want to show this).  If there are too many donations to fit on the bottom portion then they will be shown on a second page.  (To show a list of all donations, change the amount to zero.)
g) You have two ways of satisfying the "split-receipting" requirement for receipts in Canada.  When you check off Show as split receipt it will show the amount donated and the eligible amount. (These are the same for all receipts without an advantage.)  When the checkbox is unchecked it will show the amount donated and on the bottom of the receipt will have the statement: Donor did not receive any advantage for their contribution.
h) The receipt can include your organization's logo.  Click on the field below the heading Graphics File for Logo/Image.  Then find the file with your logo and double-click it. The file must be a bitmap or JPEG file (the ending of the file must be: BMP or JPG).    If you have a graphics file that is in another format (for example: GIF or TIFF) then convert it into a bitmap or JPEG file using a graphics or paint program. Give the distance from the left and top of the page where you want the logo to appear.  (The distance is in inches) Also give a Scaling Factor to enlarge or reduce the image.  A number greater than 1.00 will enlarge it and a number less than 1.00 will reduce it.  A large logo may overlap the text that appears on the receipt.  In this case the text will be shown on top of the logo. If your logo has the organization's name and address as part of it then you don't need to print the name and address.  In this case uncheck the box Show organization name&address.  To print receipts on your organization's letterhead you should uncheck this box since you already have the name & address on the letterhead.
i) Instead of signing each receipt you can scan in the signature and print it on each receipt.  Scan the signature and save it as a bitmap or JPEG file (BMP or JPG). View the signature with a graphics or paint program and change the size of the image so as to eliminate most of the white space around the signature. Remove any marks which you see in the background so that it is white. To indicate which file to use click on the field below the heading Graphics File for Signature. Then find the file with the signature and double-click it. You do not have to indicate where the signature will go.  It will automatically be printed above the signature line.  It will also be resized so that its height is about 0.40".  If the signature has letters that should 'hang down' below the signature line (e.g. lowercase g, j, p or y) then the signature will probably print too high above the line.  To fix this, convert the image to a BMP file and the software will automatically shift it down.

11. When using pre-printed forms you need to indicate the positions on the form of each item:
a) If you want the donor number on the receipt put a checkmark beside the Donor # checkbox and enter its position.
b) When donors get one receipt for each donation, choose which date you want on the receipt.  Put a checkmark on either the date of the donation, the date of issue or both.   Then enter the position for the date.
c) When viewing a yearly receipt, only the date of issue will be shown.  Also, the year will be shown after the receipt amount.  For example if a donor gave $250.00 in total during the year 2010 the receipt amount will show as: $250.00 FOR THE YEAR 2010.  If the position of the amount is near the right hand edge of the page then the phrase: FOR THE YEAR 2010 will be on the next line.
d) If your receipts already have the receipt number printed on them, then uncheck the Receipt # checkbox.
e) When your receipts have a return portion for the donor to send in their next donation put a checkmark beside the Receipt has a Return Portion checkbox and indicate the positions of the name/address and optional donor number.
f) When issuing a replacement receipt a line indicating the previous receipt number will be printed below the memo.
g) For donors who get one receipt for each donation you can show the donation category that they gave to on the receipt.  Check the Donation Category checkbox if you want it shown and enter its position.
h) If you need multiple copies of the receipts on each page enter the height of each copy.

12. Click Save or press Enter.

Note: the positions of the items on pre-printed forms are approximate only.  Print some receipts using blank paper to check if the positions are correct.  If not, adjust the positions and try again.

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