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Custom Tax Receipts/Emails/Text Messages/Letters

To design your own tax receipts, letters, emails or text messages you describe where you want various items shown.  This description is saved in a Report ForMat file.  (The file ends with .RFM)  You can edit the file within Donarius® or using any word processor that can edit a standard text file.  There are a few custom receipts, emails and letters included, which you can use to learn how they work. (You must purchase the Custom Tax Receipt module to design your own tax receipts and the Letters/Emails/Text Messages module to design letters, emails and text messages.)

To get help in setting up a custom report, email us at or call 1-888-479-4636.  We will also create one Report ForMat file for you at no charge.  (Additional ones will be charged a $20 setup fee.) Just create a sample using your word processor and email it to us. The Report ForMat file will be emailed back to you, with instructions on how to use it. 

To create a new tax receipt that is similar to an existing one, click on the Tax Receipts icon and choose Setup Tax Receipts... Choose a custom receipt in Receipt Style.  Then click the Copy button and choose a name for it.  To copy something from another receipt format, choose it in Receipt Style, highlight the section then press Ctrl + Insert to copy it to the clipboard. Then choose the receipt you created, put the cursor where the items should go and paste it there by pressing Shift + Insert.

To create a customized 'Gift in Kind' tax receipt, click on the Tax Receipts icon and choose Setup 'Gift in Kind' Receipts...  Where it says Receipt Style choose Custom.  Then edit the receipt format.

To create a new letter that is similar to an existing one, click on the Mailings icon and choose Setup Letters...  Choose a letter where it says Letter to edit. Then click the Copy button and choose a name for it.

To create a new email that is similar to an existing one, click on the Mailings icon and choose Setup Emails...  Choose an email where it says Email to edit. Then click the Copy button and choose a name for it.  (When setting up emails you need to add a few extra items. Click here for more info about the format of an email.)

To create a new text message that is similar to an existing one, click on the Mailings icon and choose Setup Text Messages...  Choose a text message where it says Text message to edit. Then click the Copy button and choose a name for it.  When setting up text messages you need to indicate who gets the message by putting To: {­donors:tel#[C+P]} before the actual message.  (C+P means a cell phone number + the abbreviation of a provider.)

To see how the tax receipt, letter, email or text message will look like while you are editing the RFM file: display it then in the menu bar click on [Edit Format].  A new window to the right will appear where you can edit the format.  Stop typing any changes for 2 seconds and the formatting will show what you changed.  If a command you are typing is incomplete you will see an error message.  Finish entering the command, making any corrections and then the formatting will be displayed.

To delete a customized receipt, email or letter that you no longer need, choose it, delete all the lines of text then click on the Delete button.

A Report ForMat file has two types of items:
a) words or text to appear on the receipt (The words or text can have foreign characters as well as Latin ones.  For example, Chinese or Korean).

b) commands to do something at a given point on the report.  Commands are enclosed in curly braces {­ }.  All commands can be in upper or lower case and usually have some options or parameters.

There are several general types of commands, as follows:

{­TEXT-COMMAND ITEMS}  These commands determine the alignment and font of the text in your report (also explains how to set default margins, header, footer and paper settings).

{­GRAPHIC-COMMAND ITEMS}  These commands add graphics to your report.

{­OTHER}  Commands to show dates, page#, receipt# and PDF file name.

{­FILE : FIELD}  Include a field from a file.  You can include fields from the donors file, the organization info file or the Gift in Kind file. (Click on the names for a list of fields from each file.)

{­UPDATE}  Update a field in a file when a letter/tax receipt is printed, an email sent or either one is saved to a text file.

{­CALC}  Include a field that was calculated from other fields. Click here for a list of calculated fields.

{ARITHMETIC}  Do an arithmetic operation on two values.

{­if CONDITION}... Show some items on your report only if certain conditions are true.

{­LIBRARY}  Insert a file from a library of commonly used reports.

{­RECORD SELECT}  Select only the records that match a certain set of criteria.

{weeklydate} This is used to print church offering envelopes.  This prints the date of each week in the year onto each envelope together with each person's envelope number and anything else you want.  This enables you to use blank envelopes and print them yourself, rather than ordering pre-printed envelopes from a printing company.  One size of envelopes you could use are #6 envelopes (3 5/8" x 6 1/2") which are available from many suppliers.  Donarius has two sample offering envelopes.  Click on Mailings and choose View Letters, then where it says Letter to view choose: Offering-verse or Offering-env.  (The first has a Bible verse and the second does not.)  Then enter a date range starting with the date you want on the first envelope up to the date you want on the last envelope.  On the screen you will see only the first date but when you print, the date of each week will be on a separate envelope.  Put the envelopes into the printer sideways (i.e. in landscape).  If you want a different format for your envelopes, make up a sample using your word processor and send it to us.  (The first one is no charge and additional ones will be charged a $20 setup fee.)

{­v 1.04}  This indicates the version of the commands in the Report ForMat file.  This must be the first command in the file.  You may have some files created with older versions.  They will run correctly as is. If you change the version to 1.04 in the older files, you should do a test of the report to verify that it still works and looks right.  These are some of the problems you may have:
 a) the position of some items may change, so you would have to adjust them
 b) you may get a message about a command missing at the end of the script, so you would then have to add the one that was missing.

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