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Mailing Labels/Envelopes
When you need to mail any item to a donor you can print their address on a label or an envelope. For example you can print the names and addresses on envelopes for tax receipts.
First you need to setup information about your labels and envelopes:
1. Click on the Mailings icon and choose Setup Labels/Envelopes...
2. If you use sheets of labels specify information about them:
a) the width and height of a label, including any spacing between labels (in inches)
b) how many labels are on a sheet, across and down
c) how far from the top and left edges of the sheet the first label is.
d) the font size to use for the labels and if you want it in bold.
e) labels can have an image on them - click Browse... to choose which one,
then set the position and scaling factor (to reduce or enlarge the image).
f) when you have an image you may need to move the name/address;
in that case adjust the offset for the name/address.
You can have a setup for two different sizes of labels. Click the Next >> button to see the next size. You can also change the name for each label. (Initially they are set to Label and Big Label)
3. If you use envelopes specify:
a) where you want your organization's return address to appear on the envelope by clicking the Show Return Address checkbox and then indicating how far from the top and left edges you want it to print. If your envelopes have your organization's address pre-printed on them, then uncheck the Show Return Address checkbox.
b) envelopes can have an image on them - click Browse... to choose which one,
then set the position and scaling factor (to reduce or enlarge the image).
c) where you want the donor's name and address to print on the envelope.
d) the font size to use for the envelopes and if you want it in bold.
e) whether your envelopes will print in Portrait or Landscape.
4. Some mailings are not to be returned if the person has moved. In such a case you need to add a message such as (or Current Resident) between the name and address. You can enter the text near the bottom of the window.
5. In the USA, indicate whether you want a POSTNET barcode printed on the labels or envelopes.
6. Click Save or press Enter when done.
7. Setup how each donor prefers to be contacted. Only those donors who want to be contacted by mail or hand delivery will get a label or envelope.
To print the labels or envelopes:
1. Click on the Mailings icon and choose View Labels/Envelopes...
2. Give the donor number or envelope number for one address, or click the All Donors checkbox for all. If you don't know the donor #, type the first three letters of the donor's last name. (More details about searching by name are here.) For example: if you have a donor with the last name Graham and with a donor # of GRA 1 just type GRA for the donor #. When there are several donors with a similar last name you will see a list where you can choose the correct one.
3. Indicate whether you want to print labels or envelopes. For labels also specify which label to start or end at when printing the first label sheet. This enables you to use a sheet of labels that has been partially used already. To avoid label sheets from getting stuck in your printer you should indicate what label to end at on the first sheet to be printed on. This way it will use the labels near the bottom of the sheet. For example, on a standard sheet with 30 labels, you would indicate to end on label number 30. After printing several sheets of labels, suppose it prints only 10 labels on the last page - it will print on the bottom 10 labels. (labels 21 to 30) Then the next time you print labels you can re-use the same sheet so it is the first to be printed on and it will end on label number 20.
4. You can choose certain donors depending on whether they gave or not, and whether they pledged or not. If you are not keeping track of pledges, you will have only two choices:
a) donors who gave
b) donors who did not give
For each of these you need to give a From and To date.
If you are tracking pledges, you can choose any combination of these:
a) donors who gave and pledged
b) donors who gave but did not pledge
c) donors who did not give but pledged
d) donors who neither gave nor pledged
For each of these you need to give a To and From date.
Or you can choose donors who fall short on their pledges or those who fullfilled their pledges. You then need to give an As of date. Click here for more about pledges.
Select your choices by holding the mouse over the list for about a second.
In each case you should choose which categories you are looking for. Click on the heading to choose all, none or uncheck the sub-category totals. (Hold your mouse over the heading to see what will happen when you click it.)
5. To print only those donors from a certain city or town, give the name of the city or town. To select only those outside of a city or town put ! or <> before the city or town. For example, !Toronto or <>Toronto means outside of Toronto.
6. To print only those donors from a certain province or state, give the name of the province or state. To select only those outside of a province or state put ! or <> before the province or state. For example, !ON or <>ON means outside of Ontario. To sort the donors by country and province/state click on province/state where it says Sort by country and. After printing the donors, the names for the mailing will still be shown on the screen. At this point you can get a count of each unique province/state by country. Click on [Province/State Count] in the menu bar.
7. To print only those donors with a certain postal/zip code give a range of postal/zip codes to include. To sort the donors by country and postal/zip code click on postal/zip code where it says Sort by country and. After printing the donors, the names for the mailing will still be shown on the screen. At this point you can get a count of each unique postal/zip code by country. Click on [Postal/Zip Code Count] in the menu bar.
8. To print only those donors from a certain country enter the name of the country. To select only those outside of a country put ! or <> before the country. For example, !USA or <>USA means outside of USA.
9. To include only donors who want certain types of tax receipts, choose the type of receipt or whether they want a paper copy or a PDF copy. (near the top right)
10. To print only donors of a certain donor type select only the ones you want. If you use donor characteristics choose which ones to include or exclude. In each of the list boxes, click on the heading to select all or none of the choices. Above the include/exclude lists, you will see Any or All. You click on that word to change it. Any means that a donor with any of items checked will included or excluded. All means that a donor with all the items checked will be included or excluded.
11. To print only donors who gave a certain amount, pick what kind of amount you are looking for and give an amount range. You can find the donors who:
a) gave a certain total amount in the date range
b) have a single donation of a given amount (to one or more categories)
c) have a single donation with a given amount to one category
d) pledged a certain total amount per year to one or more categories
e) pledged a certain amount to 1 category per year
12. You have the option of printing donors based on another date range. You can choose when they were added, their birthday or their expiry date. Choose the kind of date you are looking for, then fill in a range. When you are looking for a birthday, the year can be omitted. For example, to print everyone with a birthday in March you would type from: Mar 1 to: Mar 31 for the birthday. To chose those whose membership has not expired as of today, type the word none for the expiry 'from date'. To show only those who never donated type none or never for the last donation 'from date'.
13. To show those who have a certain relationship with others, choose what type of relationship you are looking for. If you only want relationships that began on a certain date, enter a date range. (The year can be omitted.) You can look for those donors who have a relationship with: a) any donor, b) any who died, c) any who died or their family, d) a specific donor or e) a donor or their family. When you choose a donor who died, you can also provide a date range for the date of death. In the Donor Information window you indicate the date of death in the Membership Expires: box and choose Died as the reason. When you are doing labels/envelopes to send tax receipts or statements, you should also put a checkmark on: Except those that want separate. This is because some couples want a separate receipts/statements and so should also get a separate label/envelope. (This is only available if you purchased the Relationships & Families module.)
14. If you have entered a title for any donor, it will be shown after the name. Enter which character to put between the name and the title where it says Title Separator. You have a choice of a blank, a comma, a dash or enclose the title in parentheses.
15. You may hand deliver most of your mailings using a mail delivery code or mailbox #. If so you should show that on the label or envelope. You may also want to sort by that, so choose it where it says Sort by country and. After printing the donors, the names for the mailing will still be shown on the screen. At this point you can get a count of each mail delivery code. Click on [Mail Delivery Code Count] in the menu bar.
16. You have the option of showing a date on a label or envelope. Select which date you want by selecting it to the right of the Country. Then put a checkmark at the bottom left to show that date.
17. You have the option of doing one label/envelope for a family, by making a choice where it says: One mailing per family addressed to. What you choose will determine how the family name is shown on the label/envelope. Suppose John Doe is married to Jane Doe. You can then show either Mr John Doe, Mr & Mrs Doe, Mr & Mrs John Doe or Mr & Mrs John & Jane Doe. If the family has children you can add & Family after the name by choosing that option. If you choose Don't do a family mailing, each member of the family will get a separate label/envelope. When the husband and wife have different surnames it will show the full name of each person. (This is only available if you purchased the Relationships & Families module.)
18. Click OK or press Enter. The names/addresses will then be shown on the screen. If a donor has a Salutation then that will appear on the label or envelope. There are several ways this field can be used.
19. Choose Printer Setup... from the View menu.
20. Choose Portrait or Landscape then click OK. Labels usually print in Portrait and envelopes in Landscape. You can change it if necessary. Donarius® will then remember how you printed labels and envelopes. Later you can skip steps 10 and 11.
21. Turn on the printer and put the label sheets or envelopes into the printer.
22. Click on [Print] in the menu bar then click OK.
23. To print letters for the donors you selected you have two choices. Print customized letters with Donarius® or do a mail-merge with a word processor. To do a mail-merge, display the same labels/envelopes again then click on [Export] in the menu bar. Then import the data into your word processor. (Click here to see how to export data.)
Note: address positions on an envelope and label margins are approximate only. Print some envelopes or labels using blank paper to check if the position of the name and address is correct. If not, adjust the margins or address position and try again. Adjust the left margin on labels sheets to center the printing horizontally on the label. Adjust the top margin on label sheets so that the printing is centered vertically on the label. An address can have 3 or 4 lines of text. Usually the postal/zip code is printed on the same line as the city and province/state. However if the city name is too long the postal/zip code will not fit and it will be printed on the next line, sometimes giving 5 lines.
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